KCL Wins 1GPA Contract for Technology Services
1Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA), is a non-profit national governmental purchasing cooperation which allows public agencies to...

KCL Engineering Designs First Des Moines Public Schools Photovoltaic Array
A 600-panel array providing 275 kW will offset 70% of the building's energy costs. The District considers this project to be a "proof of...

KCL Continues to Climb on Building Design + Construction Annual Giants List
An annual poll conducted by Building Design + Construction magazine ranks the nation's A/E/C firms based on revenue in a variety of...

Stormy Shanks Joins KCL Ownership Group
KCL Engineering welcomes Stormy Shanks, PE as its newest associate. Beginning her KCL career in 2016 at the company's headquarters in...

When Do I Need To Conduct An Arc Flash Study?
NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code) requires electrical equipment that may be serviced while energized to be labeled with potential arc...

Is commissioning a building required?
We must look to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and all local code requirements to determine whether commissioning is required....

My School District is considering Air Quality in their Return-to-Learn plan
It’s important that committees have discussions related to disease transmission and ventilation systems. Contaminated air can be spread...

When should we replace our sports lighting system?
You should stop and assess your ability to switch to LED before investing money into maintenance or repairs of your existing...

Preparing School Buildings for the Return of Students
Summer vacation is upon us yet we find ourselves continuing to think about the school setting and how students, faculty, and staff will...

KCL Joins Forces With About The Stage
KCL Engineering has forged a strategic partnership with About The Stage, a specialized firm providing theatre consulting, theatrical...